DotSwap V3
About the DotSwap V3 and its prominent features.
DotSwap V3
DotSwap V3 is our newest swapping protocol for UTXO assets (BRC20, ARC20, etc.) with an emphasis on the security of funds and liquidity. Its prominent features are:
🔐 MMM (Multilayered Multisig Matrix)
In collaboration with Safeheron, DotSwap's liquidity pools are now powered by MMM (Multilayered Multisig Matrix) — an upgraded multisig framework, integrating the best of both MPC and BTC-native multisig for unprecedented security.
🧑💻 DotSwap Nexus
DotSwap Nexus is your developer hub for integrating with DotSwap's BTC-native DeFi solutions. Developers and project teams can now seamlessly implement industry-leading DEX & liquidity solutions into their projects and unlock the true potential of UTXO assets on BTC.
Upgraded Multisig Scheme
DotSwap's liquidity pools now utilize an advanced layered multisig setup, combining the strengths of both MPC (powered by Safeheron) and BTC-native multisig for top-tier security that's never-before-seen in the BTC ecosystem.
The upgraded multisig scheme is the result of communication and development from multiple efforts, we are proud to have made such collaboration within the BTC landscape possible.
Further more, this new scheme will also serve as the basis of DotSwap's forthcoming smart contract implementation on Bitcoin.
Enhanced Security: Our advanced co-signing logic and multisig setup mitigate risks from insider and cyber threats, eliminating single points of failure.
Secure Custody: Through a strategic partnership with Safeheron and Slowmist, DotSwap is able to utilize a robust wallet infrastructure and co-signing strategy to safeguard all deposited and pooled funds.
Expanded Asset Support: DotSwap V3 now supports UTXO assets like BRC20 and ARC20 tokens, providing greater flexibility and accessibility to our users.
DotSwap Nexus
Introducing DotSwap Nexus:
Your developer hub for integrating with DotSwap's BTC-native DeFi solutions Seamlessly implement industry-leading DEX & liquidity solutions into your projects, unlock the true potential of your BTC assets.
DotSwap's battle-tested AMM solution supports a variety of UTXO assets (BRC20, ARC20, etc.), making market making automated and efficient.
Secure your assets with DotSwap's liquidity management system, fortified by MMM (Multilayered Multisig Matrix) scheme, ensuring top-tier asset security.
Asset Locking
Experience trustless asset locking with DotSwap's BTC-native mechanism, simplifying the security of UTXO assets like BRC20 and ARC20.
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