
These are what you can expect from DotSwap down the line.

The implementation and application development may be subject to change based on the decisions made by the DotSwap community and in response to market demands.

2023 Q1-Q2

  • Research & Development

2023 Q3

  • Alpha & Beta Test

  • Mainet V1: First & fastest BRC20 swap

    • Deposit/withdrawal + off-chain sequencer + LP points system

    • Created an initial liquidity pool and distributed LP rewards token

2023 Q4

  • V2: BTC-native BRC20 swap

    • Atomic swaps + multisig liquidity pools

    • DAO governance model

2024 Q1

  • V3: Upgrated multisig scheme

    • Private key custodian: Safeheron

    • Support for ARC20, multiple new wallets, and mobile devices

2024 Q2

  • Runes integration

  • Runes Launchpad

  • Migration from BRC20 $DSWP to Rune $DD (DOTSWAP•DOTSWAP)

2024 Q3

  • DotSwap Tools:

    • Easy and cheap Runes minter

    • Versatile BTC transaction accelerator

2024 Q4

  • Exploring more BTC DeFi features

  • Planning a decentralized BTC asset trading experience

  • A trustless zk-SNARK bridge on testnet


  • Tokenomics reveal and TGE

  • Refined DAO governance model

Last updated