Feature Updates

The latest feature updates on DotSwap

July 17

Jun 20

  • Renamed BTC-Speed to DotSwap Accelerator 2.0.

  • UX improvement to DotSwap Accelerator:

    • Automatic choose between RBF and CPFP when users request an acceleration.

    • Optimized network fees for acceleration further.

Jun 14

June 5

May 31

May 24

  • Runes Migration: Airdrop complete.

May 23

  • Runes Migration: Snapshot completed at 3 PM, May 23 (UTC +8).

May 20

  • Created the first liquidity pool with asymmetric fees (buy 1%, sell 5%) for $DeAI–BTC.

May 16

May 15

  • Updated Runes Minting Tool 2.0:

    • Less network fees across the board when minting Runes

    • Option to merge minted Runes into one UTXO

    • Unbroadcasted or invalid mints easily can be cancelled

April 30

  • Integrated with OKX Web3 DeFi:

  • Supported Runes on DotSwap V1

April 29

  • Supported Runes swapping on mobile phones with the help of OKX Web3 App.

April 24

  • Activated the liquidity pool for the first Runes Launchpad project RUNESCOIN•DEFI.

April 22

  • Launch of the first Runes Launchpad project RUNESCOIN•DEFI by @MessiahLXXXVIII

April 20 (🎉BTC Halving)

  • Supported Runes AMM swapping on mainnet from day 1.

April 19

  • Deployed Runes minting tool on mainnet.

April 18

  • Supported Runes AMM swapping on testnet.

April 17

  • Supported Runes etching on testnet.

April 16

  • Deployed Runes Minting Tool on testnet.

April 13

  • Added entrace to BTC-Speed on DotSwap.app so users can better access them

April 9

  • Launched BTC-Pilot (a selection of BTC related tools)

    • BTC-Speed: The most efficient Bitcoin transaction accelerator, utilizing a CPFP method, allowing you to potentially speed up transaction that are stuck in the mempool.

March 28

March 25

  • DotSwap Nexus:

    • Salvo — the first BTC L2 gaming project to integrate DotSwap's liquidity solution of using DotSwap Nexus

March 18

  • DotSwap Nexus:

    • Released a comprehensive guide for integrating with DotSwap Nexus.

    • Opened up API access for ARC20 token swapping and liquidity management to everyone, documents included in the newly released guide.

March 11

February 27

  • Supports DotSwap V2 on mobile:

    • Liquidity management for BRC20/ARC20;

    • Pool history tracking;

    • LP reward tracking.

February 10

February 5

  • Integrated with TokenPocket mobile App, allowing for BRC20 trading within TokenPocket App.

  • Integrated with Wizz Wallet mobile App, allowing for ARC20 trading within Wizz App.

January 25

  • ARC20 Owners Charts are now displayed for the $dots–BTC trading pair, with full support of on-chain, V1 balance, and pooled amount.

January 22

  • Owners Chart:

    • These amounts are now categorized and displayed:

      • On-chain amount.

      • V1 balance + pooled amount (tokens in DotSwap V1 balance and tokens provided for liquidity pools).

      • Vote-escrowed amount (tokens locked up through DotDAO).

  • Document updates:

January 19

  • Support for ARC20 liquidity/swap on DotSwap V1.

January 17

  • Document updates:

    • Corrected typos throughout this document.

January 9

January 8

January 5

  • Document updates:

    • Recognition (New page):

      • Showcases the opinions of world-renowned media outlets, fellow builders and influencers regarding DotSwap.

      • Expresses DotSwap's gratitude towards them for sharing their thoughts.

    • Team:

December 27

  • OKX Wallet App integration:

  • Whitepaper document updates:

    • Fixed a couple wording mistakes throughout this document.

    • Changed the wording in Tokenomics to truly reflect the amount of $DSWP in circulation.

December 16

  • Improved Token Details:

    • Circulating market caps and supplies are displayed in Token Information.

  • Better URLs:

    • Each trading pair will now have its own URL, making it easier to share or bookmark.

  • Better Swap Records and More:

    • These 2 fields are changed to "Pay" & "Receive".

    • More explanations in the TXID fields.

    • V1 transactions are now tagged, along with an explanation.

December 15

  • $DSWP price chart is displayed on the DotSwap home page on mobile.

  • Optimized UTXO selection (faster loading time for BTC balance and available BRC20 transfers).

  • Server upgrades.

December 7

  • DotSwap V2

    • BTC-native BRC20 swaps (no deposits/withdrawals).

    • Every swap transaction will be on-chain (no roll-ups or centralized sequencer).

    • Subsequently, no inherent front-running risks.

November 14

  • Home Page: TVLs, trading volumes and more data are now displayed.

  • Pool:

    • Liquidity pool sizes are now displayed.

    • Support for BRC20-BRC20 liquidity pools.

  • Swap:

    • Token details are now displayed.

    • The market floor price of the swapped token is displayed in a price chart.

    • Minimum received swap amount is now calculated and displayed.

    • Support for BRC20-BRC20 swaps.

  • Support for XVerse Wallet.

  • Other optimizations:

    • Depositing: The option to deposit multiple tokens in one transaction is now supported.

    • Inscribing: optimized inscribing experience.

September 11, DotSwap V1 (A Legacy Solution)

TL;DR: To achieve a high TPS and low-fees transaction, we have built a off-chain swap with secured public multi-sig address asset pool.

All the BTC/BRC20 assets and reserves that are used to add liquidity will be safely stored in a public multi-sig BTC address, with on-demand withdraw access at anytime. All the LP rewards and DAO governance funds will also be stored in the same manner, with a release schedule strictly tied with BTC blocks.

Then all the swaps will be processed off-chain, rendering high TPS and low fees as advantages.

The DotSwap team will also provide a 100% guaranteed BTC reserves for all users funds. We will also release all the addresses for public inspection.

Last updated