Voting Power

How DAO members could govern and shape the future of DotSwap through their voting power.

Voting power within the DotSwap ecosystem is derived from the $DSWP governance token. Users can lock their $DSWP tokens to gain voting power, which is represented by a veToken, specifically veDSWP.

Once the $DSWP tokens are locked, veDSWP tokens are granted immediately, representing the user's voting power within the DAO. The locking process cannot be reverted.

The veDSWP tokens decays linearly each day until the locked $DSWP tokens are unlocked, ensuring active participation and engagement in the governance process.

Locking mechanism

TBA — the specifics on how you can lock your $DSWP and how the veDSWP will be distributed will be annouced on the official Twitter and Discord server, stay alert for any updates.

Proposals & Voting

Proposals are the essence of the DotSwap DAO. They are created by DAO members, allowing the community to decide the direction of DotSwap. All DAO members who has locked their $DSWP and possess veDSWP can participate in the voting process, deciding whether a proposal should pass or not. This ensures that all decisions made within the DotSwap ecosystem are democratic and reflect the will of the community.

Proposal & voting requirements:

Their will be a minimum requirement of veDSWP for creating proposals as well as additional rules regarding voting and implementation of proposals.

The specifics will be annouced on the official Twitter and Discord server, stay alert for any updates.


In conclusion, the DotSwap DAO and its governance model ensure that the protocol remains adaptable and responsive to the needs and desires of its community. The power to shape the future of DotSwap is truly in the hands of its users.

Last updated